» International » Services » FIS
An orientation for new Friends will be held in each semester. For questions, please contact the International Involvement Center at 660.562.1367 or email FIS@wakeikyo.com.
* indicates required fields
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Home Phone:
*Day Phone:
*Email Address:
Are you married? Yes No
*Spouse Name:
Spouse Occupation:
*Spouse Phone:
*Spouse Email
Do you have children? Yes No
List the name(s) and age(s) of children living at home:
How did you learn about the FIS?
Why are you interested in becoming a friend of an international student?
*List the name and contact information of two non-family references:
List hobbies and special interests:
List name and species of any family pets:
Languages spoken:
Countries traveled in:
List any countries you are interested in and why:
Are there any restrictions regarding your participation in this program?
*Would you consider hosting a student(s) over university breaks? Yes No
*Which breaks? Thanksgiving dinner Thanksgiving brea Winter break Spring break
*Student Preference: Male Female Couple Family No Preference
*Would you consider hosting multiple students? Yes No
*How many?
*Legal Signature: